It’s been a while since you’ve heard from me and I want to check in.
Holy Catnip – it’s been busy at the clinic! I’m only getting 12 hours of sleep a day. You read that right – 12 hours. Cats, it’s tough but someone’s got to be here for the Staff and that someone is me, with some minor support from my purrsonal assistant Ivan (he’s still cranking out the zzz’s 16 hours a day).
Ivan and I have been meowing about how different things are these days what with the pandemic and all. And now, just when we had relaxed our paws and started to breathe a bit easier, we’ve got this Delta Variant on the scene.
So, as the CFO I had to make the hard decision to continue all of our services curbside. It wasn’t an easy decision Cats, we miss seeing your Staff in the clinic and we know that they want to be with you at your appointments. But as CFO, I have a responsibility to keep everyone safe and that includes your Staff, my Staff and of course, all of you.
Now even though your Staff can’t come into the clinic with you, I want to assure you that you will continue to get the same level of excellent care that we’ve always provided. We’ve been doing this curbside thing for a while now and well I have to say, the Staff has purrfected it to a science. I’m really proud of them, your Staff and all of you for cooperating with us while we continue to operate under our pandemic protocol. Because at the end of the day, the most important thing is for all of us to stay safe so we can continue to take care of you and your Staff.
Cats, I’d love to stay and meow, but this clinic is not going to run itself. Remember, we’re still open for our regular hours and providing all of our services. Our goal hasn’t changed – we want to make sure you stay healthy for all of your nine lives, so if you need anything, don’t hesitate to give us a meow!
Stay Cool Cats!
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