Here we are starting a new year. Can you believe it? It seems like just yesterday we were cat-napping in 2021 and now 2022 is here!

It’s important to start off the New Year on the right paw, so I dictated a list of things I’d like to accomplish in the next year to my purrsonal assistant Ivan. I’d like to share the number one thing on my list with you and I bet you’ve already guessed what it is – yep, losing some of those extra pounds.

Now, we all know that weight loss is tough for anyone—two-or four-legged. But here’s the thing Cats, losing weight not only adds years to our nine lives, it also makes those extra years more enjoyable. You see, being overweight increases our risk for developing some serious medical conditions. These include diabetes, urinary tract disease, osteoarthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, and many forms of cancer, especially intra-abdominal cancers. Did you know that an obese cat is three times more likely to develop diabetes than a normal-weight cat?

In between naps, Ivan did some research on losing weight and the good news is it’s not as hard as you might think!

The first step is working with my Staff to design a weight-loss program. This will include looking at your caloric intake as well as activity level. It may include a change in food and how you’re fed. You might even get a new toy called a food puzzle which means you get to hunt for your food!

Now here’s some really good news. Your Staff will be encouraged to play even more with you – at least ten minutes twice a day. Feather toys, flashlights, paper bags, balls -the sky’s the limit! I’m purring like crazy just thinking about it.

Now Cats, I know that change is not something any of us enjoy, but sometimes it’s necessary. And don’t worry, these changes need to go slow. My Staff is here for you and your Staff every paw of the way and we can do this!

That’s it for now Cats! It’s time for one of my 10-minute play sessions. Remember, a healthy weight is important for all of us, including your CFO!

Stay Cool Cats!
